Dance Recital 2017

ACT 1:

Send Me On My Way- opening

Prince of Egypt - pyramids (4:28)

Molokini Reef (8:12)

Night in France (11:00)

Chinese Variation (14:13)

Eiffel Tower (15:23)

Great Wall (19:45)

Taj Mahal (22:20)

Forbidden City (25:18)

ACT 2:

Zeus's Statue (31:20)

Australia (35:14)

Australian Current (No recording due to technical issue at rehearsal)

The Dead Sea (35:42)

Northern Lights 1 (40:59)

Northern Lights 2 (44:26)

Memories (47:49)

Stonehenge 1 (50:32)

Stonehenge 2 (52:33)