Social Media Spire has access to a wide range of young and energetic support staff who can bring talent and enthusiasm to your organization. These support staffers have a wide range of basic skills that can give you the advantage of a Social Media Spire team member at an affordable cost.
Typical Agreement Details
Support staff position is filled by SMS and operates at a short term, no obligation arrangement with no expectation that the agreement will result in full time employment.
- Support staff positions are typically allotted 10 hours a week. (Unless other arrangements are requested)
- Staffer support cannot exceed 40 hours a week (per staffer).
- The support staff rate is $18.00 per hour to SMS.
- Intern is compensated by SMS and not entitled to wages or any compensation or benefits from the company or organization.
- Company is not liable for injury sustained or health conditions that may arise during the short term arrangement.