$175 - Property Photo/Video Package

  • Professionally photograph front, rear and main rooms of home (Kitchen, Living Rooms, Den, Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Laundry Rooms, Garage)
  • Edit photos for best lighting and color correction and compress for easy upload into the MLS system.
  • Shoot an exterior video of the home using aerial technology to capture high end virtual tour style footage of the listed property.
  • Produce up to 1 minute video with footage including a title sequence at the beginning and then end that includes the property address.
  • Upload video to REMAX BTL Facebook page using the sales info provided in the request form below. (requires admin rights to page)
  • We can also provide a link to an unbranded video player to allow videos to be linked to within the MLS system - $25 extra.

Request a SMS Property Shoot Below

*We require payment upon receipt of edited photos/video.